School Vision and Values

Our whole school Vision and Values are centred around the aim that all pupils achieve their full potential. We provide a broad, rich and memorable curriculum tailored to meet the needs of individuals. We are a caring school in which all children receive the support they need. We develop supportive links with pupil’s families, the local community and outside agencies. Teaching and learning takes place in a positive, safe and well-respected environment. Pupils have a strong voice in the life of the school. Pupils are encouraged to develop active and healthy lifestyles. We all value educational achievement and appreciate that it is the key to success in later life. We are accepting and respectful of everyone in our school and the wider community. Pupils develop a set of moral values that enable them to make positive lifestyle choices and skills which we believe help children to become successful, life-long learners. We encourage our learners to be . . .
Creative - we feel free to generate individual and original ideas
Curious - we ask questions and ‘go deeper’ Ambitious - we aim high and don’t fear ‘failure’
Articulate - we talk about our learning and explain our thinking
Resilient - we push ourselves to independently try new things and never give up!
Respectful - we are kind to others and celebrate differences
Enthusiastic - we always try our best and give maximum effort
Evaluative - we celebrate success and consider our next steps. What did we do well? What could we improve?